Missions Journey: Students – Missionary Kids

This unit features the unique challenges faced by missionary kids (MKs), children of missionaries serving with the International Mission Board (IMB) around the world. It explores their struggles with identity as they grow up in a blend of their home culture and their host culture. It addresses the emotional, educational, and spiritual needs of these children.
Grown up a missionary kid, Leah Kennedy shares her journey of faith and highlights her experience as an MK who grew up serving alongside her parents in Brazil and Europe. This life of faithful service is exemplified by her favorite verse, Matthew 5:16, which calls believers to let their light shine and point others to God through their actions. It is also a reminder of the power of obedience and the grace of God in using imperfect people for His purposes.
This fully digital resource contains plans for four sessions, including links to the missions videos, missions project ideas, supplemental activities, prayer activities, and a leader devotion.
This material is designed for students in grades 7–12. WMU recommends adult leaders preview all lesson and video content before sharing it with their students.
If you have more than one group, you will need to order one subscription for every group, up to three groups. To help churches steward their resources, we’ve placed a cap of three on digital orders. So, if you have more than three leaders, you can purchase three packages and share the PDF with each of your leaders.
*When you place your order, you will receive an order confirmation via email that includes a link to download this curriculum directly to your computer.
*Missions Journey: Students is protected by US and International copyright laws. Reproduction and distribution of these materials without written permission from WMU is prohibited.
Available as a digital download only.
Product Number | MJ0225E |