The Good News According to John, WMU Gift Edition

Putting the Word of God into someone’s hands is an act of faith that can change more than one life. Bless those you know and love with this gift edition of the Gospel of John in the Readable Bible translation.
Enhance your church’s corporate evangelism efforts by equipping your congregation with copies of the Gospel of John to give to those with whom they share the gospel.
This special edition of the Gospel of John in the Readable Bible translation is easy to read and easy to share with friends, family members, neighbors, acquaintances, and colleagues.
The first page in this gift edition provides a place for people to write who the gift is from, their contact information, and your church’s name.
48 pages • Soft cover • 6-by-9 inches
Training Videos
Use the short training video (see link below) to show participants who will be giving away copies of The Good News According to John, WMU Gift Edition. Have participants practice with each other. Hold a time of prayer and give the books to participants. Ask people giving away the books to provide their name and contact information inside the books. You may want to consider adding information about your church on a small card inside the book as well.
Good News Sunday Training Video for Use Leading Up to Easter
Product Number | W253104 |
Availability |